Bunmi Ashiedu

Bunmi Ashiedu

Hi, I am the founder of smallbusinessify.com.

In the past year over half a million people have visited the website to read content on how to start and run a business.

I have not always run my own business.

Infact, I used to say that if you took a blood sample out of me, you would draw coffee and not blood.

I took so much coffee, as I often needed to be awake at crazy hours to deliver on my job

Looking for the energy that runs the world demanded that of me.

I loved my job, I was young, driven and determined to make something of my life.

Predictably, my Hard work was recognised with more responsibilities.

However deep inside me I knew that something was not right.

My first twinge of doubt was as I watched the employee induction video and the young woman said

she always had a bag ready so she would be prepared Day or night for when she would be needed

for work.
Then, I missed my graduation.

I also missed both the weddings of two of my brothers.

I was vaguely aware that something was not right.

Suddenly, it hit me.

My life did not belong to me.

The company owned me.

I loved my job but I was not living a life of my own choosing.

I was living a life where other people dictated the terms.

My company dictated the terms, they set the agenda.

They determined when I woke up and They determined when I slept.

Afterall, I did sign an employment contract that obliged me to carry out my responsibilities in return

for a paycheck.

However, my dissatisfaction grew with my bank balance.

I realised that I wanted a live where I loved what I did but I lived life on my own terms.

Where I could take a nap in the middle of the day if I wanted to.

A life where the fear of losing my job did not keep me from being there for for me, being there for

my family and being there for my friends.
One day I decided to do something about it.

I started my own business.

Eventually I quite the corporate world and Yes It has been an exciting journey full of twist and turns

but today, I can take a nap in the middle of the day when I want to.

I have the financial freedom to go and live in a different country without worrying about a paycheck.

I can choose to be there for me , my family and my friends without the fear of getting fired.

Today I am my own boss, I love my job and I live a life of my own choosing.

I set my agenda, I call the shots, I dictate the terms.

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Bunmi Ashiedu