The Wellness Transformation Planner & Journal (paperback)

An Extraordinary Life Is Within Your Grasp.
It’s time to take your health and wellness to the next level, achieve your dreams and goals and live an extraordinary life

Each planner is undated, covers a 3-month period and helps you reflect on the past, live in the present, and set goals for the future.

The planner contains carefully thought out daily, weekly and monthly actions that will guide you so you can make gradual, conscious progress.

✔️ Break your goals down and document your journey towards them
✔️ Take control of your life by getting things down on paper
✔️ Get the everyday support and accountability you need, through the planner and the community
✔️ Take small steps that add up to big change
✔️ Track your progress and celebrate your success
✔️ Get the accountability you need to stick to your commitments

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